Circuits of Value COVAL

Circuits of Value (COVAL) is a cryptocurrency and an Ethereum token.

Added 6.7 years ago
Contract Address 0x3d658390460295fb963f54dc0899cfb1c30776df
Explorers No explorers.
Traded through
5 exchanges

Bitcoin BTC rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
Coinbase 19.64 MM COVAL 1 min ago
Bittrex (deprecated) 100.00e-9 BTC 5.2 years ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 5.6 years ago
CoinMarketCap (deprecated) 100.00e-9 BTC 5.2 years ago

Ethereum ETH rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 5.6 years ago

United States dollar USD rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At 0.1354 USD 2.6 years ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 5.6 years ago
CoinMarketCap (deprecated) 851.12e-6 USD 5.2 years ago

Euro EUR rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 5.6 years ago

View Circuits of Value rates in all 4 supported currencies.