The Graph GRT

The Graph (GRT) is a cryptocurrency and an Ethereum token.

Added 6.6 years ago
Contract Address 0xc944e90c64b2c07662a292be6244bdf05cda44a7
Token Decimals 18
1 explorer
Traded through
11 exchanges

Bitcoin BTC rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
Binance 4.34e-6 BTC 2 months ago
Coinbase 340,716 GRT 1 min ago
HitBTC 3.54e-6 BTC 1 month ago
Kraken 3.05e-6 BTC 3 weeks ago
Bittrex (deprecated) 4.96e-6 BTC 2.2 years ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 4.5 years ago
Market average 340,716 GRT 3 mins ago
2.94e-6 BTC 3 mins ago

Ethereum ETH rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
Binance 92.65e-6 ETH 2 months ago
Kraken 113.60e-6 ETH 1.4 years ago
Bittrex (deprecated) 81.74e-6 ETH 2.2 years ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 4.5 years ago

United States dollar USD rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
Bitfinex 0.1997 USD 3 mins ago 0.3270 USD 1 min ago 0.1993 USD 27 mins ago
HitBTC 0.2360 USD 1 month ago
Kraken 0.1692 USD 3 weeks ago
Bittrex (deprecated) 0.1476 USD 2.2 years ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 4.5 years ago
Market average 4.1323 GRT 3 mins ago
0.2420 USD 3 mins ago

Euro EUR rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
Binance 0.2478 EUR 2 months ago
Kraken 0.1564 EUR 3 weeks ago
Bittrex (deprecated) 0.1408 EUR 2.2 years ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 4.5 years ago

View The Graph rates in all 10 supported currencies.